Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hello "Meany" Kitty

So for Mother's day my hubby got me this really cool Hello "Meany" Kitty wallet. It's pretty cool. I wanted to have a matching purse but I couldn't find an upset kitty. So I went into my craftroom to see what I had and I found some black pleather just the right size for a purse. I used felt to make the kitty and bow and face. I sewed on a patch for her skull bow. I then sewed a cross stitch into the pleather to give it that quilted effect. The lining is black and white checker like what is trimming her bow and then black pleather pockets. I decided to keep it simple for mechanics and used simple velcro to keep it closed. I'm proud of it....wasn't the easiest purse I've done but I'm happy. I forgot how sewing was my least favorite hobby lol!