I made my daughter's little halo of flowers for my friends wedding that me my daughter and husband were all in. I took green pipe cleaner and made the shape I needed for her head. Then wrapped the wire part of the flowers around it. Once all the flowers were wrapped around it I took matching ribbon and wrapped it several time around all the flowers then put a spot of hot glue to hold the ribbon in place. For an extra touch I put little gems in the center of the flowers to make it sparkle.

Being made of honor means taking all the heat for the bride. It's a full time job until after the I do's! I made this arch for the same wedding we were in. Got one the $20 arch's from the craft store and had the bride-to-be pick out the flowers she wanted. I got ivy garland to wrap around it and twisted small white flowers in it and then added in the bigger colored flowers. I draped the the toole in between each bar in the arch and put a dab of hot glue to keep in place. I used the foliage tape the secure the ivy to the arch. I spent two weeks working on twisting the flowers in. I would do a little each night while sitting and watching T.V. The big day comes and we're taking the arch to the hall I'm following the truck there and the next thing I know I'm watching it fly out of the truck. So we pull over collect what we can....wedding is in oh 3 HOURS!!!!! So I promise not to tell the bride before the I do's and go on my way to find another arch. So I'm at the grooms parents house trying to move all of this stuff off one onto another and the toole has rips in it. I managed to get it looking decent (bride didn't notice anything) I used the flowers I couldn't get back on for the base. We did tell the bride (after she was married) and had a drink and she laughed and was pleased I think to not know that before hand. Oh and I got home and got ready in record time to march down the isle.....all in a days work for a maid of honor ;p
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